Sunday 4 January 2015


My group members are Angelica, Doris, Jennie and me. At first, our thinking to draw a house, but we felt like this is not what we wanna do, so we changed our design.
This is the sketches of our final decision. As you can see we like cute things!
And then Ms. Mas Lisa brought us to the batik factory with our classmate. We started to draw out the out line with pencil at first. 

Then, the workers lent us the tools to draw with wax. The brownish line are the wax. This is really hard to use, because everything is free drawing and the the wax is hard to control as a beginner. The wax have to hot so we can draw with the melt wax. 
After applying wax, we coloured our cloth. The colouring part is fun! 

TADA! All done after a tiring work.

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