Saturday 19 April 2014

My self-portrait - Principle of Design

1 week later......haha! All the leaves become dry and changed their colour into darker. You can see that I used different materials to build my face and of course my hair, my favorite part is my eyes and eyebrows. I used flowers in yellow and red to add some colours into this picture. I hope to done it in more details and attentive, I think this will make the picture more vivid n beautiful. 

My personal mind map-Principle of Design

This is my mind map. I done it in 30minutes. U can see it I prefer drawing then writing. I had realized that my drawing is quite small and only few of them, it is too neat for a main map. So, I hope I can do it in more pictures and more details about me next time. Thankyou for reading.✌✌✌☺